Pisicile Poetice sunt galese, dragastoase si privesc cu ochi misteriosi lumea. Pastreaza secrete antice si de mult uitate, pierdute in negura timpurilor. Multi spun ca ne protejeaza si vegheaza de cele rele, adevarati gardieni sacri ai vietii. Pisicile Poetice sunt macinate de incertiudini existentiale, sunt triste si deprimate, sufera din dragoste, scriu biletele de amor, le rup, le lipesc la loc si pe urma jura sa nu mai repete a doua oara greseala. Pisicile Poetice se uita la telenovele si se mira ca ion a parasit-o pe maria care il iubeste pe vasile care de fapt este gay. Se uita la talkshowuri nocturne despre avocate disparute si prezicatoare grase infofolite in prosoape si admira natura umana in desfasurarea ei. Pisicile Poetice lenevesc in razele caldute ale soarelui, admirand cu nepasare si lehamite agitatia din jurul lor si din cand in cand mai arunca o privire fulgeratoare spre ceilalti. Apoi incep incet-incet sa isi renumere vietile ramase. Nu sunt bune la matematica si intotdeauna gresesc. Si o iau de la capat. Iar si iar, inceeeet inceeet. Pisicile Poetice sunt batause si lupta pentru ceea ce cred din toate puterile si nimic nu le sta in cale. Cred in ceva si acel lucru trebuie sa il duca la capat, cu orice pret. Pisicile Poetice beau pana cad late, vorbesc urat si fluiera dupa alte pisici iar apoi se prabusesc cantand, cu capul in bolul de mancare.
De fapt... Pisicile Poetice reprezinta poezia din noi toti.
The Poetic Cats are tender and sweet and watch the world with their mysterious eyes, keeping ancient secrets lost in the mists of time. Many say they protect us and watch against all that is evil as true sacred guardians of life.
The Poetic Cats are torn by existential incertitude, they are sad and depressed, hurt by love they write love letters, tear them apart, glue them back on and swear not to repeat the same mistake.
The Poetic Cats watch soap operas and wonder why john left mary for jake who actually is gay. They watch nocturnal talk shows about missing lady lawyers and fat fortune teller with towels wrapped around her head. they admire the human nature in all its splendor.
The Poetic Cats bathe in the warm sunrays, looking upon the fuss around them with disgust and indifference. From time to time they take a piercing look upon this disturbance. Then slowly slowly they turn back to counting their lives left. they are not very good with math and they always make mistakes. So they are starting again and again, over and over again.
The Poetic Cats are warriors and fight for what they believe in. Nothing stands in their way. They put their mind to something and get it done no matter the consequences.
The Poetic Cats drink a lot, use foul words and whistle after other cats until they fall flat with their head in the food bowl.
In fact, The Poetic Cats represent the poetry in us all.
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