"pisicile poetice iubesc fotografii diabetici" / "poetic cats love diabetic photographers"

14 April 2012

expo "Cel mai bun prieten al omului"/"Pisicile Poetice - vol 1 abr."

(scroll down for EN version)

“Odata, ca in povesti, frumoasa Zana cea Mica s-a ratacit prin Padurea Incurcata. Dar pentru ca avea prieteni buni, pe Catelusi, i-a chemat si acestia au protejat-o de creaturile rele din padure. Insa nu puteau gasi singuri calea spre castelul zanei.

Departe departe, in Padurea de Cristal, statea Zmeul cel Negru.
Simtind nelinistea zanei, fara a pregeta, trimise jumatate din Pisicile Poetice pentru a o pazi de spiritele rele.

Astfel Catelusii si Pisicile Poetice au condus-o teafara pe zana la Castelul de Scortisoara unde au si trait in pace si bucurie pana la adanci batraneti.”


Dragi prieteni, Anda Cofaru si Cristian Bassa va invita la o expozitie de poveste, cu scop caritabil, de pictura si fotografie, cu catei si pisici.

Vernisajul va avea loc in 20 Aprilie la ora 18.00 iar expozitia va putea fi vizitata in perioada 18 Aprilie – 8 Mai la "Ceai et caetera" pe strada Castelului 37, Brasov.

Prieteni dragi care ne ajuta in promovarea evenimentului sunt Ceai et caetera, MyPoster, revista Pisica, Dog Magazine, Modernism.ro, 24FUN, Asociatia Trei Frati Patati.

Toate lucrarile si materialele prezente vor putea fi achizitionate iar banii stransi vor fi folositi in beneficiul adapostului “Trei Frati Patati” si al mai multor adaposturi de animale. Puteti arata ca va pasa de animale prin mai multe actiuni: de la a vizita expozitia si de a cumpara un exponat pana la a apasa pe butonul de LIKE/SHARE al evenimentului nostru; puteti sa trimiteti linkul persoanelor interesate de initiativa; puteti sa vizitati si sa donati mancare sau bani adaposturilor de animale. Noi va incurajam sa faceti acest lucru si astfel sa schimbati ceva.

Pentru mai multe detalii, va stam la dispozitie pe blogurile dedicate: Man's best friend exhibition si Poetic Cats.
Va asteptam cu drag.
Ham-Ham si Miau-Miau.


"Once upon a time, the beautiful Little Fairy got lost in the Tangled Forest. But because she had good friends, the Puppies, she called them and they protected her from the evil creatures lurking there.

Far far away, in the Crystal Forest, there was the Black Dragon. Sensing the trouble, he sent half of his Poetic Cats to protect the fairy.

Thus the Puppies and the Poetic Cats led the fairy out of the forest and into the Cinnamon Castle where they all lived hapilly ever after"


Dear friends, Anda Cofaru and Cristian Bassa invite you to a fairytale charity painting and photo exhibition, with dogs and cats.

The opening will be on 20 April, 18.00 and the exhibition can be visited from 18 Aprili till 8 May at "Ceai et caetera" Castelului 37, BrasovDear friends who helped us on our journey: Ceai et caeteraMyPosterrevista PisicaDog MagazineModernism.ro24FUNAsociatia Trei Frati Patati.
For more info please visit the dedicated blogs: Man's best friend exhibition and  Poetic Cats.
Waiting forward to see you there.

13 April 2012

a Poetic protest

i am writing this to you, as passed onto me by the cats, as they are to lazy to type!

"Officially, we, The Poetic Cats want to protest against the avalanche of exhibition with dogs, cute little squishy puppies and other drooling little critters.

we find it very offensive, not to say rude! and we wish it to stop! we are a far more intelligent and cute than those dirty drooling sacks of fleas. we deserve all the attention.

we will boycott the exhibition by not showing up! not that we were invited in the first place, but nevertheless! we would have said more, but it's time for weekly Friday nap!

cats rule!"


hello, hellooooo!
is this thing on?
